
Complete System

Cloud Based, Check In/Check Out, Drag and Drop Functionality, Housekeeping and Maintenance Modules for Smart Phone, Extensive Reports, Night Audit, Groups, Multiple Hotel Toggle and Reports, Integration with Channel Manager, Integration with Payment Gateway, Yield Management based on Occupancy, Integration Rate Shopper, Integration Channel Manager Ezee Centrix, Texting Reservation/Mobile Check In/Marketing Blast.

Channel Management

Complete integration with Ezee Centrix Channel Management with over 100 OTA Connections. GDS Connection alo available. Update Rates and Restrictions and will automatically update OTA's. $99/month PMS fee includes Channel management. 50 rooms or more $10/month and 100 rooms or more is $20/month.


Gateways with Zeamster(Your Bank), Net Authorize, Heartland, Stripe aprox $30 to $40/month 5 to 10 cents/transaction.. EMV Wireless Chip Machines for $99 to $299, Get Android Pad for $89 and be able to check in customer with credit card authorization, digital signature, picture of drivers license, and digital registration. Rates fluctuate based on volume.

Kiosk/Digital Registration

Kiosk setup for android pad or Ipad. Mobile check in by text day of check in with unique code. Customer can do mobile checkin by phone or with pad at hotel along with new registration. Digital registration at hotel for Touchless environment. Designed to allow check in and pick up key at front desk and swipe credit card or charge at mobile book in to get money sooner.

House Keeping

Set up House keeping with housekeeper users, Head House Keeper, mobile access, setup rooms or auto assign, drag and drop rooms to clean, complete audit trail

Group Sales/Companies

Complete Group Functionality, Setup Group Reservation with multiple Rooms, Block with Cut Off date and goes back into inventory, individual information for reservation or leave blank till check in. Companies can set up negotiated rate by occupancy or room type. Check in by Companies negotiated rate easily.

PMS Screen Shots

  • All
  • PMS
  • Channel Mgmt.
  • Groups
  • Housekeeping
  • Yield Mgmt.
  • Rate Shopper
  • Mobile
  • Night Audit
  • Kiosk
PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent

Todays Outlook

Information, click to change/modify.

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent


Check In and other functionalities

PMS System Myeres 3


Check Out and Other functionalities

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent 4 Check In

New Reservation

New Reservation assign Rate

PMS Myeres Reserve Room 2


Guest Details

PMS Tape Check In

Tape Check In View

Rooms, Drag and Drop Guests, Check In from Tape view by clicking Room

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent Check In

Guest Reservation

Customer Room Actions

Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent PMS New Booking

New Booking for Room

Check In/Reserve/Block for room number

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent Reports


Detailed PDF Reports or Spreadsheets

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent Drop Down Multiple Vacation Rental Management

Drop Down Multiple Vacation Rental Management

Easily switch from one hotel to another

Today Dropdown Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent PMS

Today Drop Down

Top Grey Area with quick view of todays information from Occupied Click

Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent PMS Users


Set up Users for Staff, Scan Users, and Housekeeping/Maintenance

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent Users Assignments

User's Assignments

Set up Users and Assignments

Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent Rate Types

Rate Types

Set up of Rack rate and Derived Rates %

PMS Rates View

Rates View

Rates View by Rate Type. Click on day to change

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent Monthly Rate View

Rate Change

Rate View and can change on a daily basis will update all channels. Can also update by period of time and multiple days Weekdays vs Weekends

PMS Virtual Roatan Management 3 percent Restrictions

PMS Restrictions

No Arrival, Minimum Nights Stay, No Departure will update OTA's

PMS Bank Settings


Bank Settings

PMS System Basic Settings



PMS General Settings


Advanced Settings

PMS Group Bookings

Group Bookings

Click on day on Multi Room Group Booking

PMS Group Booking Multiple Rooms

Group Booking Multiple Rooms

Add Multiple Rooms, Assign Rate and Room, Add information for individual room, Block with a cut off date

PMS Companies Settings


Add companies with detailed information

PMS Company Negotiated Rate

Company Rate

Add information and rates based on occupancy or room types

PMS Company Negotiated Rate Check In

Check In Company

Choose Company and Negotiated rate

Housekeeping User

Housekeeping Users

Setup Housekeeping Users and Head Housekeeper

Housekeepers Dashboard

Head House Keepers Dashboard

Assign Status for some rooms or all or Auto Assign

Housekeeping assignment of rooms

Head Housekeeping Drop Down

Head Housekeeping assignment on rooms or auto assign

Head Housekeepers Assignment of rooms

Head Housekeeper Auto Assignment

Head House Keeper assignment of rooms

Auto Assignment of Rooms

Assignment of Rooms

Auto Assign and then drag and drop rooms to change with House Keeper

Individual House Keeping Log In

Assigned House keeper login

House keeper logs in on smart phone to see room assignments

Assigning Room Status

Assignment of Status

Can make assignments on room

Update multiple Rooms on Do Not Rent

Do Not Rent Rooms

Update multiple rooms withwith rentable and do not rent status

Maintenance Work Orders

Work Orders

Maintenance and Work Orders switch open to close

Yield Management Monthly View

Yield Management

Monthly View based on occupancy cut offs

Yield Management Edit Dynamic Rates

Yield Management Edit Rates

Editing rates based upon Occupancy and assigning a dollar amount

Rate Shopper Single Hotel

Rate Shopper

Single Hotel

Rate Shopper Compare Vacation Rental Management

Rate Shopper

Compare Vacation Rental Management

Rate Shopper Compare Sources

Rate Shopper

Compare Sources

Mobile PMS Today Summary


Today Summary

Mobile Activity Audit Trail

Mobile 2

Activity/Audit Trail

Mobile Daily Report

Mobile 3

Daily Report

Mobile New Booking

Mobile 4

New Booking

Mobile Availability



Mobile Settings

Mobile 6

Mobile Settings

Channel Management Myeres PMS

Channel Management from PMS

Display of Reservations via Channel Manager on PMS

Channel Manager Seup with PMS

Channel Manager Setup

Channel Manager Set up on our PMS System

Channel Manager Retrieve Bookings

Channel Manager PMS

Retreive Bookings

Bookings Channel Management

Bookings by OTA or GDS Source

Will only have OTA and GDS.

Channel Logs

Channel Logs

Setup to interface with Channel logs

Channel Mappings

Channel Mapping Summary

Will highlight Rates Mapped and how many Channels

Channel Passwords

Channel Passwords

Easily Update Channel Passwords

Channel Status

Channel Status

Night User

Night Audit

Night Audit Performed

Night Audit with Errors

Night Audit Completed

Night Audit Completed with warning for errors

Night audit warnings

Night Audit Warnings

Night Audit Warnings in different colors

Night Audit Errors Report

Night Audit Details

Night Audit Details with issues to address

Hotel Audit Start

Hotel Audit Start

Hotel Audit Start

Digital Registration Kiosk Manager

Digital Registration

Digital Registration with Existing Reservation. Email, Text, or on IPad at front desk to customer and will fill in when sign in.

Instant Check In Kiosk Manager

Walk In Check In

Walk In Check In with all Digital Registration, Credit Card, Picture Drivers License, Digital Signature

Digital Kiosk Check In Digital Photo Graph

Digital Snap Shot of Identification

Digital Identification for Drivers License and Passport

Kiosk Digital Registration with all information

Digital Signature Kiosk

Digital Signature with Digital Kiosk and all regstration information